All visitors must complete and send in the following Visitor Application Form for an approval before they can be able to come for their visits to the Holy Places in Edirne or Istanbul.

“In His message to the kings of the earth, Bahá’u’lláh, in the Súriy-i-Mulúk, discloses the character of His Mission; exhorts them to embrace His Message; affirms the validity of the Báb’s Revelation; reproves them for their indifference to His Cause; enjoins them to be just and vigilant, to compose their differences and reduce their armaments; expatiates on His afflictions; commends the poor to their care; warns them that “Divine chastisement” will “assail” them “from every direction,” if they refuse to heed His counsels, and prophesies His “triumph upon earth” though no king be found who would turn his face towards Him.” (God Passes by, p.109)

"Birliğin ışığı o kadar güçlüdür ki bütün dünyayı aydınlatabilir."

Hz. Bahaullah

“Gerçek din meyvelerinden yani, ilham verme, dönüştürme, barışı ve refahı besleme kapasitesinden tanınır. Din rasyonel düşünce ile uyumludur ve sosyal gelişim için gereklidir.”

Hz. Bahaullah

“Hangi ırk veya mezhepten olursa olsunlar, bütün milletler kendi ilhamlarını aynı semavi Kaynaktan alıyorlar ve aynı Tanrı’nın kullarıdırlar.”

Hz. Bahaullah

Edirne Holy Places

İstanbul Holy Places

Baha'i Holy Places

Contact Information

Tel: +90 (216) 327 90 80-81-82
Fax: +90 (216) 327 90 83
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For Group Visits and Information

You can write to us for your group visits of more than 9 people and all your requests.

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